Hands with Cans draws from community and volunteer support to gather and distribute canned goods throughout our area. The collected donations are used through churches, food pantrys, homes and kitchens to serve a wide variety of needs. Our volunteer team members will continually collect donations that will be delived to a central collection point and distributed out by established food banks.




Each volunteer will sign up and create an individual profile to allow them to set collection goals and track their  progress throughout the year. If they are a member of an established team, their progress is added to team totals. The individual dashboard in their profile is where they will record and manage their statistics.


The team leader will be able to set special events to inspire and encourage can collection. From their profile dashboard the will have the ability to monitor and edit all of their team activities as well as a update an events calendar.



Hands with Cans will strive to keep our volunteers engaged throughout the year. We encourge friendly competition between teams and special events to draw in the community and more volunteers.  We encourage all groups to establish thier own teams and make donation a consistent part of everyones life. Schools, churches, businesses and community groups are all welcome to become part of Hands with Cans and experience the true satisfaction of making a real difference in the lives of others.


girl with donation box

Become a Team Member

If you are intetested in joining Hands with Cans, please visit the link below to sign up and start a profile as an individual member or join and existing team. If you wish to join a team in the future, you may contact us and we can assign you to an existing team or help you start your own.


Team Leader

If you are interested in forming a team and being a team leader, please contact us below and we will assist you in setting up your team name and getting you started. If you are currently on a team or unaffiliated, and would like to start your own team, we can help with that too.


Individual Donations/Volunteer

We welcome any donations and do not require any long commitments. If you are interested in donations, or would like to assist the cause in any way, please feel free use the button below to contact us to discuss your thoughts. and finds ways to become involved.


Involve Youre Organization

Hands to Cans is actively pursuing all organizations to become involved with our program. We encourage Churches, schools, businesses and sports teams to involve their members to form teams or sign up to volunteer. We offer constant support and instructions to ensure your success and help you achieve your goals to positively effect your communities.

Join Us Today!

Hard Work Pays Off

Our main goal with Hands with Cans is to engage our communites and instill in them the importance of giving back. Through the simple donations of food cans, we can all realize that we have the power to effect real positive change to those around us who may be in need. No matter what your level of involvement, we know the community will benefit and you will find a sense of satisfaction and pride that will last a lifetime.